Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
MrSanjayMahadevanOrthobiologics Research InitiativeUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
Prof DrThamiZEGHLOULInstitut Pprime CNRS Equipe TriboélectrostaiqueFranceExcellence in Applied Sciences Award
DrKrishnanandaIngleReliance Industries LimitedIndiaOutstanding Scientist Award
MrSamuelPoloUniversidad Nacional de Educación a DistanciaSpainBest Researcher Award
DrHassanAhmed Ibrahim MohammedQingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of SciencesChinaBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrLiWangDalian Maritime UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrJadEl MasriAmerican University of BeirutLebanonYoung Scientist Award
MrsEduardaFraga OlivoUniversity of the Extreme South of Santa CatarinaBrazilBest Researcher Award
DrGiuseppeBarisanoStanford UniversityUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrAmiraliMoeiniUniversity of Houston-DowntownUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
ProfJoãoParaskevaUniversity of StrathclydeUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrLuGuanJining PolytechnicChinaBest Researcher Award
DrJovanaGlusacBioSense Institute- Research and Development Institute for Information Technologies in Biosystems, University of Novi Sad,SerbiaExcellence in Applied Sciences Award
DrNecibe FusunOyman SertellerMarmara UniversityTurkeyBest Researcher Award
ProfEstefaníaGarcía-LuqueEVEGA/Granxa D’OuteiroSpainWomen Researcher Award
MrJoséCidadeCIIE - Centro de Investigação e Intervenção EducativasPortugalBest Researcher Award
DrSofiaMorgadoUniversity of MinhoPortugalBest Researcher Award
DrDespoinaTountaNational and Kapodistrian University of AthensGreeceBest Researcher Award
DrAbdullahAlazemiKuwait UniversityKuwaitBest Researcher Award
DrHengamehKarimiOxford Business College/University of West LondonUnited KingdomBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Award Winners